
About this domain

About This Domain

This domain is currently managed by L53, which provides third-level domain registration services.
If you need to register a subdomain, please go to L53.NET for registration.

Domain Support

In accordance with our established procedures, clients are advised to submit a ticket for issues pertaining to domain management. Guests and non-clients are invited to address their inquiries to us via email support@l53.net .

Abuse Support

We have a zero-tolerance policy towards domain resources. If you find any subdomains engaging in abusive behavior (ToS section six for details), please send relevant evidence to support@l53.net , and we will take action according to the terms.


The filegear-sg.me domain and its subdomains are not associated with the brand related to the filegear.me/filegear.com . If you identify any subdomains that are counterfeiting Filegear-related products, please contact support@l53.net.